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Category: Birds

The basics of home breeding pheasants

Pheasants are amazingly beautiful birds that are often kept for decorative purposes. But farmers do not breed them for beauty. The meat of wild pheasants has always been famous for its unsurpassed taste. Today, these beautiful birds are bred on farms, receiving valuable meat and diet eggs. Pheasant Description...

Description and features of Chubata guinea fowl

Chubat guinea fowl initially attracted poultry farmers with an amazing appearance: an exotic bird looks so interesting that it was bred as a decoration of the yard. But over time, breeding these birds has become a profitable business, the ability to eat delicious meat and eggs. Historical data...

How to make a do-it-yourself quail incubator?

Domesticated quail females may lose their egg-hatching instinct. However, even if the bird is able to incubate offspring, it still will not be able to take more than 15 eggs. In this regard, the breeder must definitely acquire an incubator, which will replace the hen. You don't have to go for this...

Decorative Chickens: Specs and Care Tips

Decorative chickens are the result of centuries of work by breeders. Designed for aesthetic enjoyment and breeding at home. Most species originate from ancient China. In Russia, over two hundred years ago, poultry farmers also began to engage in the cultivation of decorative species....

What are pigeon nests and how to make them?

For many hundreds of years people have been raising pigeons. This is an exciting experience. Pigeons - birds are not capricious in content, willingly consume any offered food. But they are demanding of environmental conditions during the period of reproduction and nursing of offspring. Therefore, the owner of the dovecote must create optimal conditions...

Incubator laying eggs

Many poultry farmers may want to breed chickens, and therefore increase their numbers. Sitting and waiting is not an option, because the brood hen may not sit out the prescribed time, which is why the chickens will not hatch. There are also many other factors that significantly reduce the chances of...

Features of meat breeds

There are many varieties of meat chickens for breeding, which have their own characteristics. So, breeders who are more focused on animal meat, prefer fast-growing weighty chickens that are not demanding in care. Characteristics of meat breeds Meat breeds of chickens significantly...

How to determine the floor of a guinea fowl?

Not all beginner poultry farmers can recognize where the caesar is and where the guinea fowl is. This is necessary for the formation of the parent herd for further breeding of birds. The article discusses many ways to distinguish a female from a male guinea fowl, some of them are complex, but over time, the breeder will get used to without...

Egg breeds of chickens: a list of the best

In hens of egg breeds, the ability to lay eggs is appreciated. Good laying hens will not give a lot of meat, but this is not required of them, the main thing is consistently high egg production. If a hundred years ago, a hundred eggs a year seemed to poultry farmers the ultimate dream, today hybrids of egg direction can easily be carried...

How to keep guinea fowl and chickens in the same room?

Almost every farm contains chickens, but royal birds or guinea fowls can be found much less often, since breeders consider them exotic individuals that require special conditions for keeping. However, in reality, everything is somewhat different, and subject to a number of rules of chickens and guinea fowls, you can...